Fairport Voters Approve 2024-2025 School Budget

Residents in the Fairport Central School District approved the 2024-2025 school budget with 1768 votes, a 66% passing rate.
The results of the Annual School Budget Vote and Board Election are as follows:
2024-2025 School Budget:
YES — 1768
NO — 926
Board of Education (2 seats):
Dr. Mary Caitlin Wight — 2144
Richard Mueller — 2121
Proposition 1: Authorization to appropriate and expend from Capital Bus Purchase Reserve
YES — 2005
NO — 688
Proposition 2: Authorization to create and fund Capital Bus Purchase Reserve Fund
YES — 1891
NO — 796
Public Library Budget:
YES — 1982
NO — 709
Public Library Trustee (1 seat):
Josh Quilty-Koval — 463
Jennifer Fay — 1788
“The District’s annual budget vote shows the true investment that our community has in our Future-Ready Raiders and in our extraordinary programming and staff,” said Superintendent Brett Provenzano. “We will continue to meet our community’s expectations for strong academics, social-emotional support and fiscal responsibility.”